Stacy helmed multi-episode series and one-offs, across various genres including lifestyle, documentary, docudrama, long and short form scripted and unscripted entertainment by overseeing daily operations of productions for top-tier networks such as Lifetime, A&E, Discovery, National Geographic, Bravo, Fox, TLC, PBS, BBC, USA Networks, VH1, UPN, CBS, NBC, and independent film companies.
A proud founding member of the Producers Guild of America’s East Chapter and its first Financial Officer, Stacy is a dedicated advocate for relevant issues affecting the industry.
University of California at Los Angeles
Requiem for A Dream, Returning Mickey Stern, Unsung: The Salvation Army and 9/11, Footsteps in the Snow, House Hunters International, Man Caves, Dear Genevieve, Fugitive Chronicles, Discovery Trail of Terror: Pan Am 103, America’s Lost H Bomb, Base Camp Moon, Inside the NCIS, Growing Up Gotti, The Many Live of Otto Kahn.
Line Producing: The Logistical Nuts and Bolts of Production