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FILM MAJORS: Screenwriting

Storytelling is what we do at SVA Film. SVA’s screenwriting program is an undergraduate program with a graduate attitude.

You work with other writers in a supportive community, writing and revising, testing and developing your work with professional actors.

  • You explore professional writing across the range of content—from shorts to webisodes to features, from profiles to TV drama, from comedy to documentary.
  • SVA Film emphasizes writing from the first year—no matter what you do on a film, you’ve got to understand story.
  • SVA Film has designed writing/directing courses that stress original work, and give both writers and directors experience with actors on camera.

It’s not enough to have one script when you’re trying to break into the hyper-competitive world of writing. Screenwriters at SVA typically graduate with two full-length screenplays, a TV spec script or pilot, an adaptation, and any number of short scripts.

“Tell me a fact and I will learn. Tell me a truth and I will believe. However, tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.” – Indian proverb.


Everything that follows at SVA is based on what you learn in this foundation year. As well as being introduced to film history and screenwriting skills, right away you'll be given hands-on experience in preproduction, production and post-production through intensive workshop classes. In each of the disciplines, from acting and writing to cinematography and editing, you’ll be required to demonstrate commitment and energy.
required courses:
AHD-1070 Film History and Criticism
CFD-1020 Introduction to Production I
CFD-1025 Introduction to Production II
AHD-1075 Film History: Analysis of Genre

CVD-1080 Introduction to Editing: Final Cut Pro
CVD-1085 Editing II
CFD-1140 Fundamentals of Narrative I
CFD-1145 Fundamentals of Narrative II
HCD-1020 Writing and Literature I
HCD-1025 Writing and Literature II
required courses:
CFD-4940 Film Thesis I
CFD-4945 Film Thesis II