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    • Personal Pizza

      Robert McMahon – 2023

    • A person with a weapon on their back is feeding a horse in front of a mountain.

      Walk Alone

      Lamu Xiangqiu – 2021

    • Still image from Meicen Meng's thesis film shows two men sitting on a cliff overlooking water and a sunset

      Beyond the Green Mountain

      Meicen Meng – 2019

    • Still image from Theo Le Sourds film shows a young woman and man in a pool, close up to eachother looking one another in the eye.

      Hold Your Breath

      Theo Le Sourd – 2018

    • Still from Liz Astor's film. A person lays in their bed with their feet up in the hair with long white socks on their feet. colorful christmas lights decorate the room

      Drugstore Lipstick

      Lizz Astor – 2017

    • Screenshot of Maya's film showing a car driving along a road at night

      Short Drop

      Maya Cozier – 2016

    • Still from Alex Kopecs film of a baby in an NICU with a blanket covering its body and cables running over it

      The Artificial Womb

      Alex Kopec – 2015

    • Poster for When the Moon Shines. Shows a dimly lit landscape with ominous trees surrounding the frame and the titles

      When the Moon Shines

      Mayid Guerrero – 2014

    • Poster for NElsons film shows an Out of focus view of a street with a car driving by and the title

      La Solitaria

      Nelson Isava – 2013

    • still image from Jorge Arzac's Thesis Los Medios de Intercambio. A person speaks with another person in front of a counter. The person on the left is wearing a jacket over a shirt and tie.

      Los Medios de Intercambio

      Jorge Arzac – 2012

    • Jacquelyn Lobel stands between two people for a posed photo, all three of them smiling.


      Jacquelyn Lobel – 2011

    • Still from Rob Kolodny's thesis film Shelter, shows a person looking directly into the camera with their mouth slightly open.


      Rob Kolodny – 2010